A National Item Identification Number, or NIIN, is the last 9-digits that comprise an NSN. While the first 4 digits of an NSN denote its Federal Supply Group (FSG) and Class (FSC), the NIIN is the unique identifier of the item itself. However, the first two digits of the NIIN are known as the National Codification Bureau (NCB) value, that of which can be used to determine the country that initially codified the part. Take the time to peruse our full list of NIIN items, that of which contains highly sought-after parts such as 000000045, 000000047, 000000048, 000000049, 000000051, and others. All items listed on our website are ready for purchase at any time, and we encourage you to utilize our RFQ services to request quotes and begin the procurement process. With our unwavering dedication to quality control and export compliance, we operate with AS9120B, ISO 9001:2015, and FAA AC 00-56B accreditation. Get started today with an RFQ and let us handle the sourcing, logistic management, shipments, and quality control for you!